Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Get Used To Disappointment - After 38 Years, I Live It, Damn It

After looking forward to finally getting my motorcycle when I get paid, I am once again forced to delay my dreams and suffer through another month of wasting money driving that fucking truck to work! It's expensive with the kind of commute I have, at least 50 miles if not more, in a big '94 extended cab with a 350 engine, no A/C and in dire need of front brakes. I've already had to replace the rear brakes, have the radiator repaired and suffer without A/C for almost 4 months now and it's getting old.

What really pisses me off is that my mother - who never offers to do anything of the sort - offered to co-sign on a car for me, of course it wasn't one the that I wanted, but she refuses to co-sign for me on the motorcycle - simply because she doesn't like the idea of me driving one. Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was about what you wanted mom. Pardon me. The shitty thing is she thinks that just because she has to suffer, everyone else should too - especially me.

I tried talking to her about my frustration or at least voice it to her - maybe get some sympathy, empathy - anything! But as always, she just retorted about all her financial issues completely ignoring what I said and didn't even bother to fucking to comment on anything I said - nothing, nada, zilch.

And that's just what I'm left with for another fucking month - nothing, nada, zilch

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