Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Don't tease me bro!

Man, talk about a bummer. I was scouring the net last night, trying to find those Eddie figures and came across a site of a store in Cleburne, close to Dallas. And they were cheap too! So, I emailed them today to see if they still had them and wouldn't you know it - they didn't! Argh!! Why, don't these stores update their sites?! I have found so many online stores that haven't updated their inventory or still list things that they are out of stock - what the fuck is up with that? If you don't have it - don't list it - isn't that simple?

So now I'm back on the hunt for the figures again - I really don't like it when they discontinue items - if they are so popular, why stop making them? Hello? More money! Duh!

What really ticks me off are these guys who are selling these $15 and $30 figures for $100-$150! Now that is just whacked. Take advantage of people much?

I did put a bid in on the 18" Eddie figure from The Number Of The Beast album cover - it's pretty cool, but the ones I really want are the Somewhere In Time 7" and 18" and The Live After Death figure. Those seem to be the most valuable and rare and of course the most expensive. Fuckers.

On to a brighter side - only a few more days and I'll be the proud owner of a Ninja 250R! Oh man, I can just feel it now! I'm so excited! I'll be even more excited once the graphics wrap gets put on - that is going to be so kick ass! Just in case you missed it before (like anyone reads this shit), here is what the wrap is going to look like -

Is that not tight or what?! It's definitely going to be one of the sweetest looking rides around if not the sweetest!

I'm also going to put blue neon accents lights throughout the bike, within the chassis, so it will look like it's glowing at night and the blinker will look like Eddie's eye! So yeah, it's going to be tight!

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