Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Final Frontier

No - believe it or not this isn't a write-up about the new Maiden album, actually Alex and I were just outside talking about aliens and the endless wilderness of space. It's absolutely mind boggling - beyond words even - that space is endless. Literally - it never ends - never! How is that shit even possible? How can we even imagine that? It's enough to drive someone insane. It twists your mind in ways you didn't think were possible. So anyway, so much for being beyond words.

We also talked about aliens, or other beings in space - it's impossible that in all that infinite endlessness, there isn't anyone else out there. There has to be, just absolutely has to be another race of beings out there. It's ridiculous to think that we are the only ones in all this - space.

What I can't figure out is why are they hiding from us? Do we scare them bad? I know if I were observing this planet, I would be pretty scared to approach humans, with their beat the shit out of them and shoot first, then ask questions philosophy, while they video tape it for Youtube. And its a fucking shame its that way too - because we are such a barbaric and ignorant people, we are missing out on a wealth of knowledge that could quite possibly save us and most certainly give us the ability to join them in the vast exploratory regions of space. But, no, we have to be the white trash rednecks of the universe and trash our planet, the space around us and even ourselves.


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