Thursday, June 24, 2010

Angels and Demons

Well it's no secret I've had a shitty week and it's going to be a shitty week next week too - no I'm not being a doomsayer, I wish it wasn't going to be a shitty week - I don't ever want to have a shitty week, or day, or minute. But because I have zero money to speak of, which means I have no gas money to get to work, I have to borrow from my mom - which I really hate doing - but that will only go so far. I will have no money for cigarettes - which is just going to suck some serious ass. So I'll probably end up pawning something to get some money. The only good news I've gotten today is from the most unlikely person - a contact at - where I found two Iron Maiden Eddie figures that I've been scouring the world for on the Internet and they are cheap too. But since I'm not getting paid when I thought I was, I thought for sure that I had missed my chance to get them, but Jen, was kind enough to put them on hold for me until I get paid - so if you're reading this, don't even fucking think about trying to buy them out from under me, because we have a secret way of knowing that it's me and only me that is contacting her about the figures and if you don't know the "password", you aren't getting shit - besides, if anyone took this away from me after the shit I've been through this week and about to go through next week, I'll hunt your ass down and cram a nice big Eddie up your ass!

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