Sunday, June 20, 2010

Have a Six Flags Day...

I can't tell you how many times I heard that phrase yesterday at Six Flags when Alex and I went for Father's Day. It got a bit annoying after the first time we heard it. But other than that and the heat - it was a fun day.
Alex actually tricked me into riding the Runaway Mountain roller coaster - I don't do roller coasters - at all! They scare the shit out of me - even the small ones. Yes, I know it's rather wimpy thing to admit to, but what can I say - they scare me. I've always had this fear that the cars would fly off the tracks or something and all that up and down and dives that put your balls in your throat and your stomach on the floor - no thanks. The Runaway Mountain was pretty fun though - it was a pitch black ride, completely inside and no light whatsoever, so you had no idea where you were going. Ironically, I had my eyes closed through much of the ride - don't ask me why.

I got some neat video of riding the Log Flume and the Aquaman ride, I will post them up tomorrow. Alex got her picture taken with Marvin the Martian and I also got video of the Glow in the Park Parade. That was pretty neat - you will have to see the video, because I could never explain how neat it was with all the lighted costumes and floats.

We both wore our Iron Maiden concert shirts and along with all the stares we got - why I don't know - a lot of Maiden fans gave us props for being fans and going to the show, including a couple of girls that liked my shirt and shoes - I wore my Powerslave Vans. I took them off and wore my flip-flops during the Aquaman ride and I'm sure glad I did because I got soaked. Even the video camera got wet - but nothing damaging. Alex kept saying "the camera is going to get wet" and was freaking out that I was shooting the ride - but it was worth it. You can probably hear me telling to shut up on the video. lol

She went on most of the roller coasters there and tried to get me on more but like I said. When we got to the Runaway Mine Train, there was this family group of Mexicans and this black couple fighting over seats in one of the cars! We couldn't believe it - we were just standing there laughing in disbelief that they would be fighting over who gets to sit where and who was there first! I mean don't they have the gates and cattle walk for that sort of crap? It got so bad they were holding up the entire ride and a supervisor came over and took a report! Can you believe that shit? It had to be one of the stupidest things I've ever seen - ever! The black couple left before the supervisor came and of course the family just had to escalate it to prove they were in the right or something ridiculous like that - they even got to get back on the ride and cut in front of all the people that were waiting while they pitched a fit over a fucking seat on a ride!

I won a Kenny (South Park) plush but only after I blew $20 bucks losing at these other games. If I had just spent the $20 bucks on this one game, I could have won the whole fucking cast of South Park - they had Cartman, Kenny (obviously), Kyle and Stan. Oh well. They had these really awesome electric guitars you could win, but they were hard as hell games and I swear those things are rigged somehow - I don't see how anyone can win those big ass stuffed "things" and shit. They had a fucking rasta banana bigger than a friggin person! It was HUGE! You could buy the guitars for like $80 bucks in the stores - which was cool. If I had the money I totally would have bought one, even though I don't even know how to play, but that would have inspired me to do so, maybe I will get one anyway - just so I can learn how to shred some Maiden tunes - especially since I can't really play the drums anywhere - like in an apartment. But I know how to play drums and I really like playing the drums, but they are much louder and don't have a volume control like a geetar.

We stayed until closing, because I wanted to see the parade. Alex liked the parade too - they had all the characters, Looney Tunes, Scooby Doo, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Joker, The Riddler and even the Batmobile.

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