Thursday, June 17, 2010

What a shitty way to start the day!

You might think that this is only a blog about Iron Maiden, but it's really not - I'm just in a fanatical phase I often go through about anything - this time it's Maiden.

So I'm on my way to work and about halfway there (it takes me an hour and a half) I get a call from my mom - she proceeds to ask me a question in a not very nice tone and didn't like the answer I gave so she got irate and bitching about how she's going to miss a day of work because her tire is flat and I have the portable air pump with me in the truck. Knowing my mom and how she blows everything out of proportion and acts like it's always the end of the world - I turn around and proceed to go home to give her the air pump. About halfway home, I get stuck behind an accident that just occured moments before and had to sit there for 20 minutes, while I watched the other side of the street get through the intersection, while we just sat there - with a frustrated thumb up our butt. After getting through the interection, I nearly get caught speeding if I didn't have a watchful eye out for the cop car sitting on the side of the road - a 70 in a 60 in Princeton would have been a very bad thing.

I finally get home and guess what? She isn't even THERE! Oh the horror, the anger, the bullshit of having to listen to her cry and blame me for something that wasnt' even going to happen! Miss work because of me, my ass! When she will ever talk to me like a human being is beyond me.

So I went ahead and left the air pump on the porch, because I was going to have to work late anyway to make up for being late. So off to work I go.

It was a fairly breezy trip - a lot smoother and less traffic than I usually get but only because I was now an hour behind my usual time. Whew, only an hour, that isn't bad - I can live with that.
Oh hey there is my exit to work! YAY!! and it's only 9:30 - good time and it should be for driving 85mph down the tollway.


What the FUCK! Aw shit, you gotta be kidding, a fucking flat tire NOW!?

Well this is just great, so I call the roadside assistance people, because I don't have a jack in the truck- this is my mom's truck by the way- and wait 45 MINUTES, waiting for them to get there, while I'm staring at my work building the whole time - what fun.

I must say though, when the guy got there - he was totally kickass - he should have been in the Nascar pits or something, because he had my tire changed out in 5 minutes. Literally. So you can bet this guy is going to get a good report from me on the comment card.

The last time I used them, some dumbass came out to help me and you would think he'd never changed a tire in his life - he was definitely a rookie. I had to do it for him he was so bad at it - he even stripped one of the lugs, so i had to get a hammer to get the wrench on. He got a bad report.

So now here I am at work, writing in my blog - mainly because I have got to get this out of my system so I can actually focus on my work that I'm already behind in.

NOT a good way to start the day - something good better fucking happen today to make up for all the bullshit I had to deal with - maybe my mom will learn how to be nice and talk to me like a person, instead of a dog. NAH, never happen - so I'll settle for getting my t-shirts in the mail! YAY!

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