Wednesday, June 16, 2010

More Iron Maiden pics!

Yeah well, these are actually from the IM website, but if I hadn't been a dumbass and neglected to bring my camera, my pictures would have looked like this! :D

Yeah, I was that close at the show!
You will also notice my blog banner, I ripped it from the IM site! :D How clever is that? I also added a widget for the new album!
I'm also pretty pissed about these guys on eBay selling IM stuff from the concert at such stupid ass prices. They are selling shirts that cost $35-40 at the show on eBay for $100 or more! I admit, I paid $80 for a shirt that I was going to buy at the show, but double isn't so bad, yeah it's still high, but I wouldn't have gone higher than that - especially when you can get the same shirt from the IM site for $25, just without the Texas show dates on the back. Some guy from Oklahoma is selling the picks that were thrown out by Adrian Smith for $200!! He didn't even belong there! Fucking Okie! Just kidding - I would have driven all that way too, and have actually considered going to see them again at the July 18 show in Chicago. But I won't have the money after I buy my Ninja at the end of the month. But just the same, any true fan wouldn't take advantage of other IM fans like that.
Seriously. These are people that are just preying on the zealousness of true IM fans and trying to make a fast buck and it's bullshit. Call me a pussy or whatever, but if I had truly wanted to share with other IM fans, I would have gotten several of the Texas shirts for those who couldn't make it and just charge $20 more than what I paid - seriously. Why, because I'm not a dick and wouldn't have done it to take advantage of a situation and make money off people. Whatever happened to being a community of fans who share a common interest? It's sad to see that we, as a society have come to just being nothing more than a bunch of capitalist predators.
At the show everyone joined in to sing the songs and cheer, but other than that, it was like, "fuck you". Music is supposed to bring people together. That's what I enjoyed about the club scene, well the house music club scene anyway, because people shared and came together for a common interest and everyone was friendly and not just because they were on X.
So come on people, don't let your personal bullshit get in the way of sharing and caring about your fellow fan - would YOU like it if someone stuck you for a shitload of money for something you really wanted? I doubt it and don't give the bullshit excuse, "well, they should have been there." You don't know their situation! Maybe they couldn't for medical reasons, maybe they couldn't afford it, whatever the case - it's not up to you to keep something so treasured out of reach for them.

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