Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Eddie Cam!

Here is some awesome footage of Eddie on stage on the latest tour for The Final Frontier album. You can see at - but just for my blog's sake, I'm posting it here as well. Because I LOVE Iron Maiden!

I can imagine that the guy in the Eddie suit is just the luckiest fucker alive! I would LOVE to be that guy - I wonder if they have tryouts or something or if it's just one of the roadies. Lucky bastard. I love how he plays the guitar and really interacts with the band this time. The last time I saw him on the Somewhere On Tour, tour, he didn't seem to do all that. But it's very cool. He did the same at the Dallas show - we all went so freaking wild when he came on during the song Iron Maiden - which of course is a staple event during an Iron Maiden concert.

They really changed the look of him this time - he almost doesn't look like Eddie at all. But hey, it's Iron Maiden and they can do whatever the hell they want and we are going to love em for it anyway!

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