Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Iron Man 2 Computer becomes a reality...

Aren't you sick of seeing really cool things in movies that you know we have the technology to make, yet they aren't available to the public or even a product at all? Well, I am, but this time such a dissapointment is not one you will have to get used to. Yes, the totally sweet and kickass computer that Tony Stark uses in Iron Man 2 is actually a real computer! Sony has made such a computer and you can even see some video of it in action!

In the movie, "The Day The Earth Stood Still" you will again see this sweet technology being shown off, but that is a Microsoft product. But since Microsoft loves to make vaporware a part of their global marketing scheme, it is highly doubtful we will see anything from them in the marketplace anytime soon. The killing of the Courier, was a major upset in the geekdom. True, there are many of us who despise Microsoft for their Gestapo-esque rampage to buy-out and destroy all their competition and their incessent whining to Congress to make Windows the be all-end all of operating systems to rule the world, the Courier was indeed the best thing to come from the MS braintrust - ever. I, myself would have gladly purchased one over the iPad in a heartbeat!

What the...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Star Wars does it old school

Star Wars was the movie that changed the world, from the way people looked at movies, to how movies were made, especially when it came to special effects. Even at 6 years old, when I saw Star Wars, I knew that I wanted to be a part of the magic behind the scenes that made everything on the screen so believeable. It was like watching a documentary it was so real. Below are some of the tricks they used to make those wonderful effects, but they are so cheap and homegrown that it's hard to believe it's how they actually did it - but that's all part of the miracle of George Lucas and ILM.

To pull off the trench run into the Death Star, effects artists sculpted a miniature Death Star surface out of urethane foam and cardboard and shot it using a high-speed camera mounted on the bed of a moving pickup truck.

The Ultimate Job!

Pixar is no doubt the best movie and animation studio in the world and in the history of film making. Since their first feature film release of Toy Story in 1997, Pixar has racked up 24 Academy Awards for just nine films and grossing at least $550 million per film internationally - that's an achievement very few, if any, can boast. Check out this great, but somewhat lacking article from Wired, about the making of Toy Story 3.

When I got my Associates degree in 3D animation, Pixar was where I wanted to work, but unfortunately I chose a different path and have regretted it ever since. But I'm still young and full of talent and ideas, so I will once again pursue the dream of working for Pixar and continue my education getting a Bachelors in 3D this time and making the most kickass demo reel possible.What animator wouldn't want to work at a place like this?!

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Entry to Win The Ultimate AT-AT

This is a true story: Being an Army-Brat, it was by pure luck, chance and destiny, that I was in the States with my parents on leave - when I heard the wildest, most fantastic sounds to ever grace my ears - coming from inside a family friend's house. I ran inside to find out what those incredibly unique "space" sounds were and there it was on the TV, the trailer for the new Star Wars film - Episode 4. I was hypnotized by the action, the creatures, the ships, the droids, Darth Vader! Before the trailer was even over, I was screaming at the top of my lungs that "..we had to go see this movie!"

That was May 1977 - I was 6 years old and by June, we were back in Germany, just in time for the Sears Christmas Catalog to come in the mail. Of course, they were scant on the toys for that year, but I got everything that was offered for Christmas 1977. And just as religiously as Christmas was celebrated, every year following, I got every Star Wars toy available until 1985. That was the year our family was split in two from a divorce and left me with a mom and her single income and no more Star Wars toys.

I held onto my all my toys through the years, packed in boxes, and they came with me no matter where I went. Some were lost through thievery when our storage unit was ransacked while in Germany one last time, but the majority I kept, closely guarded. When I got married, the toys came with. When I had kids, the toys stayed - but never to be played with by infant hands. Even when we barely had money to eat, the toys stayed, knowing they could bring a nice chunk of change for a fine kingly feast or even pay the rent for a few months.

But, it wasn't until my wife, of 9 years by now, started to pressure me to get rid of "that junk" - the Dark Side reared it's ugly head. I protested, of course and she pushed, of course. I protested more, she pushed more, for months. I soon had my own battle for the Star Wars galaxy in my own house and it wasn't looking good for us Rebels. The Dark Side of my wife came down hard and fast and before I knew it - an entire Original Kenner Star Wars Collection (1977-1985) was gone! Yes, she sold it one day while I was at work - to a rather unscrupulous character/collector, who knew he had hit the galactic motherload that was about to net him a fortune that Jabba The Hutt would have salivated over.

When I got home after work that day - I was clueless, even when I wasn't greeted with the usual, "..when are you going to get rid of that Star Wars sh*t?" but a calm, "How was your day?" It slowly began to dawn on me, something was up. It didn't take long for her to tell me what she did for a whopping total of $75.00! A collection that, today, would have been worth an easy $20,000 or more - was lost forever for $75.00 and because, "..we needed the money...", she said.

I divorced her soon after. Literally and seriously.

To this day, I still cry over that horrid moment I was betrayed by the Dark Side of the woman who was supposed to love and cherish. I have since tried collecting those missing pieces and haev even begun collecting different Star Wars collectibles, simply because I cannot afford to replace everything that dissapeared from my life that day.

To own this magical machine would not only bring back some of the best years of my life - playing with my original AT-AT on Christmas morning in 1980 - it would be an important win in my struggle to regain what I lost and most certainly a prized item to never be lost to the forces of the Dark Side or anyone else again.

"Do or do not, there is no try"

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Friday on the Rocks!

Cool Star Wars item(s) of the day - Funny T-Shirts - Solo on the Rocks! LOL

Man this was a week that I wanted to be over all too fast. Monday I was sick, Tuesday wasn't much better, but went to work anyway and sat in a training class that was rather boring but necessary. Wednesday was another meeting with a developer and that was just downright humourous, if not inane. Developer's - sheesh - far too many of them just think they are the Universe's gift to the computing world - sure they make stuff happen - designer's make it look pretty and can make stuff happen too. So it really makes me mad when a developer thinks he is some kind of designer as well and takes on the tasks of a designer - all the while, doing a pisspoor job at it - but they get all pissy when a designer, develops and does a great job at it! I think I just answered my own question. Better check the ego at the door, fellas - if designers didn't do as much development as we do - you're job would be just that much harder! Think about it. If a designer gives you a design, that hasn't been coded yet - who has to do the code? YOU! That's who. I learned a long time ago, it was better to code my designs to make sure they work before giving them to the developer - that way he doesn't have to do as much coding or any at all!

Obviously, not all developer's are proma donna's - this guy sure was. First he tells me that CSS and DHTML can't be used due to the restrictions of the CMS - we're talking about simple rollouts, popups and ALT tags, guy! But he's already got rollouts in place! HUH?! Then not 10 minutes later, he tells another developer - on his team - that he can use CSS and DHTML to achieve the results they wanted! Do what?! Did I not just ask that?! I hope his sock sandwich tasted good. Blah!

The beauty part came when he said if he has his way, he would develop a Flash application to do everything that was needed in a single shell. I gladly and quickly pointed out that I had already made one and that was why I was in the meeting in the first place - of course, I was immediately shot down - of course! May the Earth shatter if someone else came up with it first!

Ugh, Developer's!

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, just stuffed envelopes and worked on a shell design and goofed around alot. Today will probably be much of the same. But getting to work was all too eventful, what is with these people that drive 30 miles an hour down a clear freeway and then look at you like you've lost your mind because you want get around them so you can go the speed limit?! Fucking cow! It's called a gas pedal people - you'll find it on the right, next to the brake, but that doesn't mean you use the brake with the gas pedal! Idiots!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

jeans on thursday!

yes, today we get to wear jeans to work! this special privelage came to those who were willing to help with the preparation for the tradeshow in New Orleans - too bad they weren't letting us go to N'awlins too.

On the tech side; I thought i lost my bluetooth earpiece, i couldn't find it for over a week, well, i found it and let's just say - it's the cleanest earpiece around. yup - i found it in the dryer when i took out my jeans this morning :( but the red light came on when i stuck it on the charger, so maybe it still works :)

There must have been something in the coffee this morning - there was a wreck on 35 and george bush! needless to say, i didn't get to work before 8 :(

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rush To See This!

It's about time the mainstream got hit with the knowledge of the greatest band in the world! From the director's of Iron Maiden Flight 666, comes Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage.

"Rush has sold more than 40 million records worldwide and garnered untold legions of devoted and admiring fans. According to the RIAA, Rush’s sales statistics place RUSH fourth behind The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Aerosmith for the most consecutive gold or platinum albums by a rock band."

For a band that little to no radio airplay, that is an extremely impressive track record. If you don't know about Rush or have never heard their music - which would be hard, with all the cameo appearances on movie soundtracks and current radio airplay they get now - then I strongly suggest you check them out! I've seen them in concert twice and for three guys, they really know how to put on a show. And Neil Peart's drum solos are a not to be missed incredible flurry of drum pounding that can only be described as an unparalleled plethora of percussive phenom.

Next to Iron Maiden, Rush is truly one of the great rock-n-roll fantasies that came true for a group of nerdy and unpopular guys that refused to adhere to the mainstream and chose to do it their own way, proving to the world that it doesn't take gimmicks, radio airplay or green, foot-tall Mohawks to make it in rock-n-roll.

SO do yourself a favor and go see the movie, coming to a town near you!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday Folks!

For all you Star Wars fans, here are some cool and unique items that every fan should not be without!

Show your hunting prowess with this great livingroom piece -;product_id=1320778&rid=EMAILC-298

And no one should be without a way to carry all their essential belongings -

Scare off those pesky little garden droids with this friendly little garden protector. Makes a nice addition to any moisture farm -

And who can resist eating their favorite chinese dishes with these killer chopsticks? May the force be with your pork fried rice -

Quiz Of The Day! How Neanderthal Are You?

Dumb Invention Of The Day - A Folding Belt for $750?!

Now, even cars want to social-network! As if we needed another way to wreck our car and then tweet about it -

How To Of The Day -
How To Avoid Paying Late Fees -

And for your viewing pleasure or disgust, whichever comes first, the ugly website of the day -

Well, thats all I have for now - Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Cartoon of the day

I made this cartoon after reading my fortune cookie message, Moses and his 40 days, etc in the desert was the first thing I thought of.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mini Margarita

They always say "Don't Drink and Drive", but to drive your drink? Here's something you don't see everyday:

Monday, May 3, 2010

You Call This Work?

Well, it was a pretty typical first day at work, couldn't login to my computer, didn't have the right software, much less any software that I needed installed on my computer and I met a bunch a people I will probably never talk to, but at least I'm getting paid.

With only 40 minutes left of work, I figured I would kill the time and write my blog for the day so I wouldn't have to do it at home, because when I get home I don't want to do anything. Unfortunately, I got an email from a client that they want more changes done to their project, a project I really don't want to work on anymore and most certainly do not want to even look at anymore, especially after spending all day at work. I guess the only good thing that is coming out of this is that i will be getting paid extra to make these changes, but in the "sick of looking at it" state of mind that I'm in about it, it isn't about the money. In fact, after the client sent me a flaming email that would make a stone cold killer tear up, I told him he could keep his "damn money" after I made the corrections he listed. Not only was he in the wrong for sending me such an email, he actually apologized after I proved him wrong in his accusations of "cheating and taking advantage" of him. I've never cheated a client, nor have I taken advantage of their good will, when and if I ask a client for special favors (i.e. getting paid early), I return the favor by going the extra mile for them, but this client in particular certainly did not warrant such favoritism, even when he did fulfill my request, because his attitude was one of complete barbarism and pig-headed ignorance about his own project.

So enough about clients, I certainly did not write this blog today to talk about that ordeal. Just those few short sentences about the situation has brought me down and I want to be happy because I'm about to go home after my first day of "work"!

After not working for a year, it feels good to be back in a cubicle. The irony is that after 6 months, I'm going to wish I were spending my days at home, although in today's job market, maybe not so much. At my last job I was still pretty happy that I had a job even after a year of putting up with their insanity, but I also had my own office. So I will most likely still be pretty happy working in a cubicle after 6 months here. After all it can't be any worse than my last job, where I got into trouble for coming in early or for being ambitious enough to come up with new projects that would save the company money or help other employees perform their jobs better or even for doing the job I was hired for! Yes, it was indeed the strangest work environment I had ever worked in - ever! Not that I have anything against gays, but the two queers that owned this company definitely had issues! They would sit in my office and argue and fight about advertisement mockups like they were sitting in their living room fighting about whose cat peed on the sofa! I had one tell me that they wanted me to come up with more cutting edge advertisements and the other would want me to rehash the old ones and then they would both get mad at me, because I wasn't do a good enough job!

If I ever have to face another situation like that, where the company is owned by two individuals in a relationship, I think I will have to pass. Thankfully though, I don't expect to run into too many companies like that after I get my bachelor's degree for 3D Animation - which I will begin going to school for next year. My goal is to either work for ILM, Pixar or Dreamworks or maybe even Stan Winton Studios. I have also considered gaming, considering the level of detail and story that goes into today's games. God of War III was by far the best game that I've seen for the new generation console gaming platforms - I have the PS3. After watching the bonus features behind the scenes, it was clear that a new era of gaming has been reached and just as life-changing for the industry and it was when the Playstation first came out.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Monday, Monday

Well, I begin my new job tomorrow! I'm excited and also scared. Even though they thought I was the best interviewee and wanted to make me an offer immediately after my interview, it's not a permanent position - only contract until December - so I don't have the security of a permanent job and they could decide at any moment to cancel the contract. While I will do everything in my power to not let that happen, sometimes there are forces beyond our control at work.

On the flip-side, I am glad it's not a permanent position, as I plan to go back to school next year to get my Bachelor's Degree in 3D animation and pursue the dream job I set out to get when I went to college the first time - creating special effects for movies and hopefully the creme de la creme of all jobs, working for ILM (Industrial Light and Magic). I know I have the imagination to work for such a place, now I just need to see if I have the skills.

I know all it will take is a killer demo filled with lots of imagination and unique effects, so I'm going to research every school in the nation and even Canada and choose the best one. Until then, I'll be saving as much as I can from this job - after I purchase all my transportation needs, of course. First will come the motorcycle, a 2010 Ninja 250R and then will come the Lexus IS300 - notice a (colour) pattern? Both of these vehicles I've wanted ever since I laid eyes upon them and now is the perfect time to get them, since I have no major bills to pay - thanks to living at home with mom. Yeah, I know it sounds pathetic, especially at my age, but considering human beings have been living with their parents, often for all their lives and usually in the same house or hut (made of sticks and dung), I don't really feel so bad. Just because we've decided in our "modern age" that living with your parents after a certain age is pitiful, doesn't mean that it is.

Shit, why not take advantage of the situation as long as possible? If you have a good relationship with your parents - mine is 50/50 - then milk the possibility for as long as you can! Seriously, why pay a huge mortgage or rent payment and all the utilities, car payment, property taxes and so on, when you can give your folks a little bit of your money each month to hold onto most of your paycheck each week or in my case, each month. I still can't get over that I'm getting paid once a month - it's a very new concept for me, as I've never been paid that way and have not heard of getting paid that way other than the military.

Back to the parents; because I'll be getting paid once a month, my checks will be pretty big, much larger than I'm used too, even when I was getting paid $40/hour. I sure do miss those paychecks. But even at $26/hour, my checks will be enough each month that I can pay the rent and personal loan money out and still look like I just cashed my check. So within 2 months time I'll be able to pay cash for my motorcycle and still have a considerable amount left to live on for the rest of the month. The only thing that blows is that after one month, I'll have 90% of the cost of the bike, and have to wait a whole 30 days more just for the remaining 10%, so that's a little annoying. SO during that time, I'll just take the motorcycle training course and splurge a little bit for the Iron Maiden show.

That is going to be a great show - especially with the VIP box seats. That's going to be the most money I've ever spent on a night out, but it will be so worth it. Sharing one of my favorite bands since I was a teenager with my teenage daughter - it's cool that Iron Maiden is still touring so that could happen. I really wish there was a way that I could let them know that and be recognized at the show.

Well, I'm off to get some work done.


Alex @ Prom 2010

Well Alex had her junior prom tonight, little bugger didn't tell me until after the fact and her senior prom is next year but I still wish she would have told me ahead of time. With her living in California, it's hard to get involved as much as I would like too, but next year I will try to go out there for the senior prom and get her a limo and all the cool things I didn't get to do. Even better, rent her a Ferrari and let her drive it to prom - that would definitely get the other bitches climbing up the envy tree for a peak!

Here is a pic of her in her dress:

Isn't she gorgeous? I really wish I had been able to go to prom, as stupid as it is sometimes, high school is supposed to be the best years of a young person's life and well mine just plain sucked!
So I want to make her years in "hell school" way better.

She told me today that she's met a new guy - well not exactly, new - but they just started dating and while they didn't hookup prior to prom she thinks he is a winner and will hopefully be around for senior prom. I hope so for her sake.

We are in the final preparations for Alex to come out to Texas for a summer visit. Unfortunately Cole decided he wanted to stay home with his mom - why he only knows. but anyway, I'm glad Alex is coming out - I haven't seen her in so long - if we didn't have cell phones, computers and internet, we would be such strangers to each other by now. But we text everyday, all day, so I feel as close to her as when she lived here.

She will be staying a whole 2 months, splitting the time up with her mom's mom and me. Of course, I don't care for my ex-mother-in-law, but hey - who does?! Alex told me that her grandmother is going to drive Alex back to California, so she can visit her daughter - my ex-wife - so i kinda feel sorry for Alex to have to deal with her all that way. Eesh! I couldn't do it - even when she was my mother-in-law, I couldn't do it.

Alex and I are already planning to go to the Iron Maiden show June 9. It will be our first concert together and to be able to share one of my all time favorite bands with her and her actually wanting to go - is just an awesome feeling. Unfortunately tickets are hella-expensive, like $250 for center stage and $300 and up for VIP!! I figure what the hell and I'm going to get the VIP tickets, though we won't be as close to the stage as I would like, we won't have to deal with the moshpit or drunk idiots. They always ruin a show.

The only crappy part about Alex coming out is that I will be working. Though I'm thrilled I got a job, it will suck that she will be at home alone most of the day with only the animals and PS3 to keep her company. But she says she will be okay, so I will trust her on that.