Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday on the Rocks!

Cool Star Wars item(s) of the day - Funny T-Shirts - Solo on the Rocks! LOL

Man this was a week that I wanted to be over all too fast. Monday I was sick, Tuesday wasn't much better, but went to work anyway and sat in a training class that was rather boring but necessary. Wednesday was another meeting with a developer and that was just downright humourous, if not inane. Developer's - sheesh - far too many of them just think they are the Universe's gift to the computing world - sure they make stuff happen - designer's make it look pretty and can make stuff happen too. So it really makes me mad when a developer thinks he is some kind of designer as well and takes on the tasks of a designer - all the while, doing a pisspoor job at it - but they get all pissy when a designer, develops and does a great job at it! I think I just answered my own question. Better check the ego at the door, fellas - if designers didn't do as much development as we do - you're job would be just that much harder! Think about it. If a designer gives you a design, that hasn't been coded yet - who has to do the code? YOU! That's who. I learned a long time ago, it was better to code my designs to make sure they work before giving them to the developer - that way he doesn't have to do as much coding or any at all!

Obviously, not all developer's are proma donna's - this guy sure was. First he tells me that CSS and DHTML can't be used due to the restrictions of the CMS - we're talking about simple rollouts, popups and ALT tags, guy! But he's already got rollouts in place! HUH?! Then not 10 minutes later, he tells another developer - on his team - that he can use CSS and DHTML to achieve the results they wanted! Do what?! Did I not just ask that?! I hope his sock sandwich tasted good. Blah!

The beauty part came when he said if he has his way, he would develop a Flash application to do everything that was needed in a single shell. I gladly and quickly pointed out that I had already made one and that was why I was in the meeting in the first place - of course, I was immediately shot down - of course! May the Earth shatter if someone else came up with it first!

Ugh, Developer's!

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, just stuffed envelopes and worked on a shell design and goofed around alot. Today will probably be much of the same. But getting to work was all too eventful, what is with these people that drive 30 miles an hour down a clear freeway and then look at you like you've lost your mind because you want get around them so you can go the speed limit?! Fucking cow! It's called a gas pedal people - you'll find it on the right, next to the brake, but that doesn't mean you use the brake with the gas pedal! Idiots!

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